The continuing saga of the latest little Glenny

As most of you will know, we had a little hiccup in our otherwise idyllic (the sound you hear is Sarah braying with laughter through her dry retching) pregnancy when the good folk at Kapiti Radiology pointed out that there was a good chance that the new little nipper had Downs’ Syndrome. Wheeee! And they said that parenting was nothing but carefree good times, like a tequila-fuelled stripper party.

This, naturally, led to several days of stress and worrying, but we elected to have a CVS performed on Monday to steal some of the good stuff out and have it tested all-scientifically-like. Results came back today – all clear; this one’s a keeper – a normal child, at least chromosomally. As Zach’s behaviour attests, normal chromosomes and genes don’t necessarily contribute to a normal child; he spent a lot of this evening jumping off the couch directly at my face while holding his hands behind his back.

Anyway, without further ado, rambling, prevarication, or any faffing about whatsoever, may I present to you the first recorded image of certain folks’ new grandchild:


Here we see a lovely 12-week-old baby girl. The more observant amongst you will notice the ~3cm leg firmly kicking the sides of mummy’s uterus, and the reason you can’t make out the arms is because they are constantly moving.

As a side note, I swear she flicked me the bird at one point. I have spared you the image of a twelve-inch needle being waved around in the placenta like a hooray-the-bloody-all-blacks-won flag – you could see the kid’s head bobbing around as if she was thinking “why the hell are you people sticking a needle around my face?”

So, medical dramas over for the time being. We are considering not having a 20-week scan, as we’ll probably get told the child is the second incarnation of Hitler or the Antichrist or something.

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