An indicator of things to come?

At four weeks, Zach was in the 20th percentile of weight. At one month, Samantha is in the 85th. I can’t help but sense some sort of rivalry here.

Minor, sleep-deprived update

There have been not many updates here because of the following two factors working in conjunction with each other:

  1. Samantha doesn’t like to sleep for more than a few hours a night, and
  2. Zach thinks that getting up after 6am is a ridiculous proposition.

So the routine while I’ve been on leave has been for me to blearily entertain the three-year-old while Sarah gets another three or four hours’ sleep; once Sarah has been rested- and freshened-up I stare numbly at my computer for an hour while sipping coffee: works well.

But – I go back to work on Monday, and we’ll have to adjust to a normal working lifestyle. I’ll toddle off to the gym (stop laughing) at 6am, and Sarah will have to deal with the ensuing mayhem and chaos. She gets a reprieve during Zach’s kindergarten sessions and with-Gran days and weekends, though, so with good luck and a fair wind it will all work out.

On a lighter note, I called Zach a menace today, as he’d cannoned into me; he also received a stern tickling. However, he didn’t like that moniker, and insisted that he was a ‘menace rocket’ instead. I consider this to be a wonderfully apt nickname, so we’ll see if we can make it stick.

Greetings from the land of nursery rhymes

(it is important to note that this exchange has no context whatsoever)

Me: “Hello, Twinkle Twinkle Little Star.”

Zach: “Hello, Old King.”

My son, the conversationalist

“GO AWAY, Daddy! Go away! Go awaAAAaaay… What underpants you got on?”

I reject your bourgeois numeracy and substitute my own

Our little boy eats somewhat like a sparrow; a sparrow that loves lollies and has no concept of meal times. He (very politely) asked for a treat before dinner and was told that he could count out four lollies for him to have after dinner.

I noticed, after he had had his traditional five bites of food and left the table, that he had put three black jelly beans and two blue jelly beans into his dessert bowl. “Zach,” I called, “would you count to four for me please?”

The reply was rapid and emphatic. “One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, eight, nine, ten, FOUR!” he chirped. I showed him the bowl and invited him to try again, which he did. “One, two, three, FOUR!” he declared as he checked them off, completely skipping the centre bean.

We did eventually get him to count to four, and rather quickly too as it turned out. He stuffed them in his mouth one after the other and managed to sound out the numbers around the mouthful.

Better late than never

Zach: “Why you got a bigger lunch?”

Mummy: “I’ve got a bigger tummy, darling.”

Zach: “My got a little tummy. My got little bosoms, too.”


Yes, there’ve been no updates. Sorry. Have a little story instead.

Zach is currently sitting in the car while Sarah comes back inside. He had pointed at the roof of the car and asked “what’s that hook for?” Upon being told that it was a coat hook, he declared that he wanted a coat to hang on it, and wasn’t taking no for an answer. She’s just taken the coat back out again. Sigh.

Making Daddy proud

(while in the shower with his mother)

“Mummy got no penis. My got penis. Daddy got BIG penis!”

And now a story about Sarah

We have a fireplace. Things are put by the fireplace to be burned. There is a small pile of newspapers and other such junk mail there.

The other day, Sarah was madly fussing around because she couldn’t find an article that had appeared in the local newspaper. She berated me because it turned out that I had burned the newspaper, after it had been put – by her – in the by-the-fireplace-to-be-burned pile.

She maintains that it was a safe and logical place to keep it, because – and, again, I am not making this up – “you don’t use that pile when you make fires. I knew it was there and I wouldn’t have burned it.”

General update

So, August is here (and almost gone again). Since I’ve been unutterably slack at providing updates, I thought I’d assemble all my notes into a semi-coherent list of bullet points.

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