It’s New Year! Time to actually add quotes

So, here are some over the last six (!) months. Maybe 2013 will be different and somehow more punctual? After all, we were spared the Mayan apocalypse, so perhaps I should be grateful for the extension to my life that doesn’t involve being a charred, smoking, volcano’d husk.

Sam paused halfway through a rendition of Away In A Manger to stare at me for a few seconds and then blurt out “Jesus is a type of fish!” before giggling, running away, and carrying on as if nothing had happened.

In a similar theme, Sam is taking after her godless heathen parents and taking the Lord’s name in vain when something surprising happens. However, she hasn’t quite worked out what the various permutations of the words are, which leads to marvellous oddities like her exclaiming “WHAT the GOD?!”

Zach very much enjoys playing Minecraft, and particularly likes it if his idiot parents come along in a multiplayer world with him, where we can be confused and slightly bored together. As a technical backstory note, we achieve this by selecting the “Open to LAN” option, where LAN is an acronym for Local Area Network, which allows the traffic to be local and therefore much faster and also means we don’t have to set up a separate server to host the game and oh christ I’m bored just typing that.

ANYWAY, Zach announced to Sarah and I – very excitedly – that he was ready for us to enter his world by shouting “I’VE LANNED IT” once he was up and running.

Gosh, that was a long way to go for one quick reference. My apologies.

Some very cute meerkats appeared on TV – probably advertising some awful long-distance calling or something – and Sam pointed at them and exclaimed “I know what those are! Cat-meers!”

Sometimes, however, she is more embarrassing – albeit correct – than cute.

We were collecting the two of them from their Nana, and had met at one of Nana’s friends’ house to have a ‘picnic’ lunch, since the weather didn’t want to accord with our plans. So, everyone is happily eating and chatting and so on, while Sam sits on my lap and stares thoughtfully at our gracious hostess.

In an appropriate pause in conversation, Sam pipes up with “Do you know… my Daddy told me that you shouldn’t talk with your mouth full.”

Conversation was a little more… stilted after that.

Zach has a drum set now, ostensibly to learn it all properly and such. Sometimes we are trying to talk when he is playing it, and when asked to be a little quieter, he replies that he is “just adding music to the process”.

As a bonus, Sam has a pink electric guitar, and the photos of them in their band – which largely seems to feature the hit single ‘Jingle Bells’ – are very worthwhile.

We spent Christmas Day in Marton, on Uncle Shaun’s dairy farm. Naturally, the cows needed to be milked in the afternoon, so we took one very trepidatious boy and one very inquisitive girl along as well to observe. Zach was having none of it, and hovered as far away from the cows as he could manage, whereas Sam demanded to be taken into the centre channel so she could watch the goings-on in intimate detail. She emerged later on with spots of cow dung all over her nice summer dress and a wide smile.

This was not reflected in the Christmas Day after-action report given by her at bedtime, where she said that the best part of her day was opening presents, whereas the worst was “getting poo on my clothes,” adding after a thoughtful pause, “it was cow poo”.

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